UI Snippets

A simple "Export to Excel" widget. The colors are not set in stone (or even suggestions). They are indicators. Close inspection shows that the "clear filter" link is too tightly packed in. There needs to be more space between the toggle buttons ($40,132.00) and the Export to Excel widget. Also the space on the bottom footer can be tightened up.

Click the image to toggle the views.

The wireframe shows the main pieces of information that NEED to be displayed. This wireframe does not display that selecting the headers "Percentage Rebate - F70" would select the lines underneath it (1-4). The wireframe also doesn't show what happens when a scroll bar appears on the right. (The footer stays in place.)

The red "x" (see toggled view) indicates that this item is being, or needs to be compiled. (There have been changes by other users that may change the amounts.)



An alert on top of a modal. The final version bumped up the font size for "Revert Claim to Proceed" (as well as changed the text to sentence case).


Another example of a popup. In this case the user was in a program (initial screen), selected program lines (notice that this is in a modal, click on image for greater detail) and now is working on the program line.