B&H UX Developer

IBM Sterling OMS

B&H selected IBM Sterling’s Order Management System as a replacement to their existing system. Their existing system was a menu driven interface which was very efficient for expert users but the learning curve was steep, especially for new employees who are only familiar with GUIs.

Categories of users included store and phone sales as well customer service agents and cashiers.  There were several priorities in addition to viewing  current and previous orders. For one thing employees needed to quickly go from “order view” to “website view” in order to help customers find and understand the products. Secondly the OMS had to interact with Salesforce which customer service personnel used to log and review past customer service interactions.

See an



A complete redesign of Salesforce’s screens. In 2016 Salesforce had a rudimentary out-of-the-box interface. B&H opted to do a major internal redesign allowing permissioned users to see, as necessary, the current order, delve in the customer order, customer interaction history (360 views) as well as interacting with Fullstory and our Order Management System.  Permissioned users had dashboard analysis of customers including flags and drill-down charts.


A price comparison application displaying competitor information; historical information with multiple levels of progressively disclosed data.


VPC – Reorganize Information

After the original application was designed and built business sent Jira tickets to developers to add new functionality. After numerous such tickers the screen became jumbled with trinkets; then came an ask which forced developers to pass the task to the UX team.

The screen was reorganized and the trinkets removed.



Exploring options. Users (managers and buyers) needed be to look upon SKUs and see all associated buyers related to item. While there may be 20, or more, such people rarely would there be more than 4-6 be of primary importance. The user needed to be able to identify and contact the relevant buyers regarding the product; and keep track if there were any unanswered questions as well as other flags.

As is often the case the issue revolved around displaying the most important information; letting users know that there was (as is sometimes the case) crucially important information that could not be displayed on the first screen and progressively displaying the additional information.

The first mockup (black and white) was built in Photoshop with numerous layer comps displaying the options. When approved we built several high-fidelity HTML mockups which worked out the details. (see below)

This mockup displays the final version of the navigation options shown above.



Only a portion of the project is shown. The top dashboard which gives information on the [ … ] and comparison with other [ …] has been redacted. The other information shows data on inventory items.


Venders provide sales incentives based either on dollar or quantity volume. An existing system is able to categories most records and settle most discrepancies. There are times when human analysis is needed.

This application displays such records and the process by which the user is alerted to problems and then sorts and categorizse the records.